
INELO experts – Małgorzata Stocerz – Head of the Export Sales Department and the Key Account Manager for Enforcement Authority Services and Piotr Żółty – Expert on Enforcement Authority Services both took part in the consultation of Community regulations and they tell us what changes to expect in the EU regulations concerning the TSL industry.

The presented proposals for amendments include, among others, taking the 45-minute breaks and weekly rest, access to the transport market, as well as the conditions for the receipt of cabotage services. It is also likely that additional responsibilities will be imposed on professional drivers – entering the information about crossing a border directly into the tachograph, as well as the introduction of a digital tachograph system in vehicles under 3.5 tonnes performing road carriage, or so-called minibuses.

As part of the last meeting, the CORTE Calculation Rules Working Group of experts also met. The purpose of the meeting was to present for final approval of a document that would unify the methods of analysing infringements in all European countries.

Uniformity at intra-Community level is expected to provide clear operating rules for international enforcement authorities, as well as benefits for TSL entrepreneurs, so the participants in this group – enforcement authorities, software manufacturers and organizations associating transport companies – count on the positive acceptance of the document by EU representatives.