For two days in May, Inelo headquarters had the pleasure of hosting inspectors from the Estonian Labor Inspectorate (Tööinspektsioon) and the Polish National Labor Inspectorate from Katowice. The outcome? International exchange of experience and good practices.
On 16–17 May, Inelo headquarters were visited by inspectors from Estonia. We assisted them in organizing a meeting with inspectors from the Polish National Labor Inspectorate in Katowice, which gave both parties an opportunity to share their experiences on: the methods of conducting controls at company premises, differences in regulations and sanctions for violations, as well as the systems they use in their work.
Better understanding of the Inspectorate’s work
During the two days we got acquainted with the realities of conducting inspections in a small country like Estonia. The whole country has only a couple of inspectors to verify drivers’ files in terms of their working time and its settlement. The online system they built for themselves collects information on the conducted controls, exported directly from our TachoScan Control program. Using their own system they contact the company they plan to control. The system is also accessible to the Police and the controlled company, which can learn who and when conducted a control and whether it was a control in traffic or at the company’s premises. Thanks to a proprietary online system they can conduct several hundred controls of carriers per year (in total), which translates into the fulfilment of the EU directive requirements in that respect. Importantly, both Estonian inspectorates and the Polish National Labor Inspectorate use exactly the same TachoScan Control software, displaying all the data in the same way and making it easier to understand and compare the controls in their countries.
Individual workshops for the inspectors
The meeting was directly followed by workshops requested by the Estonian inspectors, which included discussing the mobility and driver delegation package issues. Moreover, at the request of our guests, Łukasz Maj, Senior Product Owner at Inelo, conducted a special panel on analyzing individual bus services of up to 50 km according to Estonian law.
Participants on the part of Inelo were: Mateusz Włoch, Development and Training Expert and Bartłomiej Zgudziak, Vice-Chief Analysis and Settlement Expert. The event was organized and hosted by Małgorzata Pandor, International Development Expert.