In scope of its further dynamic development, the Inelo group has purchased shares in the Slovenian telematics company CVS Mobile to become the leader in integrated technologies for heavy duty transport in the CEE/SEE region with the total of 68 000 devices and access to 10 European markets.
Inelo’s investments always assumed consolidation of the dispersed market in Poland and countries in the region as well as investments in digitalisation and ensuring a full range of services for transport operators. The transaction has turned the Inelo Group into the biggest such player in our part of Europe.
CVS Mobile – a force on Balkan markets with branches in Western Europe
CVS was established in 2003 in Ljubljana. The company offers telematic solutions for heavy duty transport. The flagship product of CVS is a fully developed cloud platform (MobileWEB). The Slovenian company provides services to 10 foreign markets and has 2.3 thousand customers and over 32 thousand telematic devices.
“Inelo currently has around 36 thousand devices installed in vehicles of mainly Polish companies. All devices provide stable subscription revenues. CVS will add 32 thousand devices, mainly on the Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian, and Hungarian markets. The acquired company should reach EUR 9 million in revenues this year and employs 110 people, who will join the 440 currently employed by the Inelo Group,” says Inelo’s CEO Magdalena Magnuszewska.
Combined business lines
This is Inelo’s third transaction in recent years. It previously acquired the Polish NUSS and Marcos Bis – a specialist player providing TMS software to transport operators – to combine both business lines. The Inelo Group provides an extensive base of products in scope of the one stop shop strategy and serves as a business partner to 10 thousand transport and logistics businesses, which expect integrated technologies from the provider.
High technological adaptation
Thanks to the established cooperation and expanded geographical range, the products of the Inelo Group – with particular consideration of Work Time Management – will gain access to new foreign markets. It should be noted that when successive provisions of the mobility package take effect due to the transformations in scope of access to the Union’s international transport markets, Work Time Management will become even more significant. CVS is operating in a dynamically growing telematic environment and Inelo is capable of offering an extensive range of integrated technological solutions for transport.