The Scottish Police joins a wide group of European enforcement authorities that have appreciated the TachoScan Control software – an IT solution for controlling the settlement of drivers’ working time. It is already a 42nd enforcer in Europe to use the Inelo software.
The contract signed under the order starts a cooperation between the Police Scotland and Inelo for at least three years with the option to be renewed for another two years.
Inelo experts will soon conduct a four-day training for two groups of over 40 policemen and policewomen, so that they can fully use the features of the software that has been tailored to their specific requirements, enabling inspectors to generate penalties in accordance with the applicable tariff and regulations.
By joining the enforcement authorities of the largest European countries using Tachoscan Control, Police Scotland only confirms that the Inelo software is unrivalled and is the first choice for the authorities. Let us remind here that, thanks to the Tachoscan module Polish transport companies which settle drivers working time using the Tachoscan software can verify infringements in the same way as they are seen by authorities in 23 countries.