130 participants, including representatives from 43 inspection agenciess, together with ministries and state authorities from 24 European countries, gathered during the second edition of the conference for control authorities organized by Inelo in cooperation with CORTE and the European Commission. The conference aimed at discussing the most important issues concerning the mobility package and the posting of drivers.
It was a great pleasure for us to hold yet another conference on 23 May 2023 for control authorities from all over Europe, devoted to the mobility package. The first conference edition, which also turned out to be a great success, took place two years ago and stemmed from the need to discuss issues concerning the mobility package as interpreted by control authorities, as well as the practical application of new transport regulations in the European Union.
This year’s conference also concerned the mobility package, however this time in the context of posting drivers and new smart tachographs (G2V2). The meeting was arranged by us in cooperation with CORTE and under the auspices of the European Commission, whose speakers contributed substantially with their know-how, experience and practical legal aspects.
The most important event for European transport
This year’s conference was another meeting at the transportation summit and one of the most important events in the transport industry across the entire European Union. The event was attended by over 130 participants from 43 control authorities, ministries and state authorities.
For several intensive hours, the meeting speakers raised important subjects for the whole industry, which allow to understand driver posting and the new smart tachographs implementation in a better way. The most important areas include:
- The exact method of calculating foreign remunerations by a transportation company, together with automatic remuneration calculation examples with the aim to facilitate this process – Bartłomiej Zgudziak from Inelo;
- The current implementation status of the Directive 2020/1057 for Posting Drivers and the IMI system, which allowed for a better understanding of the current situation in Europe, along with the countries responsible for carrying out the largest number of controls regarding driver posting: Denmark, France, Austria, Finland and Luxembourg – Ewa Ptaszyńska/Romain Durand from the European Commission;
- Transport types which are and aren’t subject to delegation and individual steps of traffic inspection (employee posting) – Remy Russoto from CORTE;
- Changes to new smart tachographs – Romain Durand from the European Commission;
- Solutions and practice regarding remote data reading by DSRC in the form of a pre-selection of trucks for inspection, as well as examples of countries where similar systems are already in use, translating into an increase in trucks controlled in such manner – Michał Franczyk from Inelo.
Employee posting is still a fresh topic issue for both companies and the inspectors themselves, who, in addition to their existing tasks, have received new duties raising new questions. Due to this reason, we have presented more details on this subject by addressing the issue of automating the analysis of calculating the posted drivers remunerations, which will certainly improve and speed up the inspectors work in a significant way.
Many interesting questions were asked during the conference, which resulted in fruitful discussions among the speakers of INELO, CORTE and the European Commission.