According to the amendment to the collective agreement published on 20 March 2021 in the Official Journal of the French Republic, the hourly wage rates for the transport of goods changed in France.
The amendment concerns just one, but the most frequently chosen group, that is: 150M - Highly qualified truck drivers (group 7), increasing from the previous EUR 10.39 to EUR 10.49 (+ EUR 0.10). The rate for other groups (10.25) results from the general minimum wage amount in France, which has been in force since January this year. (we announced its change at the beginning of the year).
Rates divided according to seniority:
It should be noted that when submitting applications for drivers to be working in France, the hourly rate should be indicated according to the appropriate group (usually 150M) and seniority a company. This is often the point of attention of the inspectors during checks, so it is even more important to bear this in mind.
In the latest available version of the 4Trans software, the rates were updated on 01.04.2021
Source from the collective agreement at: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/conv_coll/id/KALITEXT000043251237/?idConteneur=KALICONT000005635624