The German road traffic code is generally associated with relatively restrictive regulations and high penalties...
Legislators in various countries introduce numerous regulations to improve traffic safety. In this context, particular...
For many years now, the shortage of professional drivers has been one of the greatest...
The European Commission has published new guidelines, withdrawing the mandatory return of trailers to base...
On 2 May this year, two new regulations were published in the Official Journal of...
From 02.02.2022, road carriers fulfilling international transport such as cabotage and cross-trade will need to...
According to the amendment to the collective agreement published on 20 March 2021 in the...
Almost 130 representatives of 50 different authorities from over 30 countries took part in the...
In Germany, in order to minimize the shortage of supply of goods resulting from the...
During the pandemic, in an attempt to help transport companies and their drivers, most EU...