From 02.02.2022, road carriers fulfilling international transport such as cabotage and cross-trade will need to file declarations of positing to the accepting country through a new public platform prepared by the European Commission. The new platform is connected to the IMI system, which aims to ensure information exchange between public authorities of member states on the internal market.
The new website developed by the European Commission offers the opportunity to report delegations to all member states through a consolidated template containing specific information. Despite a single template, carriers should remember to submit the posting declarations do each state separately in accordance with Directive 2020/1057. The posting declarations made out in January and on 1 February 2022 will be valid until 02.02.2022. The maximum postage time is 6 months. The entrepreneur should also appoint a contact (a foreign representative does not have to be listed as one will not be required from 02.02.2022):
contact details of the transport manager or other individual designated in the member state of the registered seat to communicate with the appropriate authorities of the accepting member state where the services are provided and to send and receive documents or notices
The website (which includes a Polish version) is available at the following link: postingdeclaration.eu.
For access, please register a EU Login account (the portal will automatically redirect you to the appropriate website after you click on “Create account”. EU Login is the European Commission’s system of user identity authentication. It provides appropriately authorised people with access to various websites of the Commission with a single e-mail address and password. Help registering a EU Login account >>>
You can find the instructions for account registration and submitting posts as presented during the training organised by ELA (European Labour Authority) here >>>
The help section also includes answers to frequently asked questions: postingdeclaration.eu/help