During the most recent ballot on the next term of the management board, the members of the Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement elected the members of the management and executive board. The elects include Piotr Żółty, Inelo Group’s International Business Development Director. This means that Inelo will remain on the CORTE management board for another two years, until 31 December 2023.
Inelo joined CORTE in 2011 and has been serving on the Management Board of the Confederation of Organisations in Road Transport Enforcement for the past 6 years. The Confederation’s members include mainly representatives of inspectorates, ministries of infrastructure and transport, and companies providing solutions for the transport industry. It should be noted that Inelo’s Piotr Żółty is the sole representative of Polish private business simultaneously acting as consultant to the European Committee on CORTE’s management board.
CORTE – road traffic safety and protection
CORTE is one of the best-known and leading international organisations of domestic authorities, transport associations, and transport businesses. It aims to promote, support, and assist development and fulfilment of the road transport, road traffic safety, and road traffic safety protection policy in Europe.
CORTE and Inelo – close cooperation
Last March, Inelo and CORTE organised the first online conference for controlling authorities, which was attended by almost 130 representatives of 50 different inspectorates from over 30 countries. The purpose of the conference was to discuss matters of the mobility package in interpretation of controlling authorities and practical application of new transport provisions in the European Union. The report from the conference is available here: https://inelo.pl/pierwsza-konferencja-online-dla-sluzb-kontrolnych/.