As many as 130 participants, including the representatives of 43 various inspection agencies and ministries,...
The United Kingdom consistently remains one of the most important economic centers in Europe. In...
Along with the development of the Internet of Things, artificial intelligence (AI) and data processing...
In just a few months the new regulations will be implemented, which will affect the shape...
For two days in May, Inelo headquarters had the pleasure of hosting inspectors from the...
130 participants, including representatives from 43 inspection agenciess, together with ministries and state authorities from 24 European countries,...
The German road traffic code is generally associated with relatively restrictive regulations and high penalties...
Legislators in various countries introduce numerous regulations to improve traffic safety. In this context, particular...
În acest an, toate vehiculele nou înmatriculate vor fi echipate cu tahograful inteligent de a...
The TRACE 2 training workshops for control authorities conducted under CORTE’s leadership and attended by Inelo...