A meeting between the representatives of Inelo and Transportstyrelsen inspection authority took place on November 28th and 29th in a friendly atmosphere, despite the chill outside. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the latest version of the Tachoscan Control with additional changes to meet the individual needs.
Our guests were greeted by the first snow, but it did little to hinder the discussion of the latest Tachoscan Control version 7.0.1 with the special custom made changes for the Transportstyrelsen inspection, meant to make the inspectors’ job faster and easier. Customized changes were introduced to the software, as a special, individual project specific to the inspection authority.
International exchange of experience
The inspectors also had an opportunity to submit their own ideas regarding the new software functionalities, which could help customize the software even further to better suit their style of working and make inspections at companies significantly faster. All ideas and suggestions were discussed and potential solutions were proposed.
There was also time to discuss the latest changes in smart tachographs and problems regarding the automatic recording of the crossing on cards in G2V2 VDO Siemens tachographs if the driver has G2V1 card. Our experts also presented the new DSRC module from Inelo, along with the antenna for the preselection of trucks for on-road inspections. You can learn more on DSRC technology here (article link).
Such meetings provide an invaluable opportunity for an exchange experiences between the users and the manufacturers of a given product. They provide us with even better picture of what our particular client needs, which in turn, helps us plan new functionalities. Our experts are always open to new projects, which they can realize in cooperation with our current or prospective clients, and they approach them enthusiastically.