
Toll charges are another cost that carriers should factor into their calculations well in advance. Familiarity with the rates and the rules of the toll charge system allows you to avoid unexpected expenses and penalties, especially in international transport. In this article, you will learn about toll charge rates in Slovakia in 2025, the penalties for not having a vignette, how the toll charge system works, and what to look out for when traveling through Slovakia.

Who is obligated to pay toll charges?

Toll charges in Slovakia apply to vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of more than 3.5 tons. In addition, according to the Highway Vignette Act, drivers traveling in lighter vehicles are required to purchase a vignette that is valid on designated sections of highways.

What vehicles are subject to toll charges?

Toll charges in Slovakia depend on vehicle weight, number of passengers and exhaust emission class.

Who has to pay?

  • Drivers of trucks over 3.5 tons are subject to a charge per every travelled kilometer.
  • Drivers of buses that carry more than 9 people and weigh more than 3.5 tons must also pay charges.

What vehicles are exempt from toll charges in Slovakia?

  • Passenger cars (M1).
  • Cars with a gross vehicle weight of less than 3.5 tons, regardless of the number of passengers.
  • Vehicles over 3.5 tons, but with a maximum of 9 seats (including the driver).

According to the Traffic Law, M2 category vehicles are subject to a charge in the form of highway vignettes.

How does the Slovak toll system work?

Since 2010, Slovakia has had an electronic toll charge collection system, which at the time of launching covered approximately 2,400 km of roads. Toll charges are charged via an on-board unit that uses the following technologies:

  • GPS – locates the vehicle and records travels over specified sections,
  • GSM/GPRS – transmit trip data between the on-board unit and other systems,
  • DSRC – facilitate toll charge payment control

The above technology is already in use on approximately 17,770 km of paid roads in Slovakia, of which nearly 660 km are sections of highways and expressways. The Slovak satellite system is compatible with similar systems used in neighboring countries, allowing for convenient toll charge settlement in a “one contract – one device – multiple systems” model.

What are electronic vignettes in Slovakia?

Vignettes are mandatory tolls charges for using specific highway sections in Slovakia for vehicles up to 3.5 tons and for M1 category vehicles.

Types of vignettes in Slovakia:

Annual – valid for 365 days from the indicated date.

30-day – valid for 30 days from the indicated date.

10-day – valid for 10 days from the indicated date.

One-day – valid until 0:00 a.m. of the indicated date.

Highway sections requiring a vignette are marked with appropriate road signs – “Highway” and “End of highway”. The entrance to the free road sections, on the other hand, is marked with a sign “Highway section not subject to a vignette charge”.

How does the e-toll charge system work in Slovakia?

Vehicles subject to toll charges must be registered in the electronic toll charge system before entering paid road sections. It is also mandatory to have a working on-board unit.

How does the onboard unit work? The unit monitors the vehicle’s location via GPS while driving and compares it with the stored data. When the system detects passing through a paid section, it records the toll charge event and sends it to the central information system, where the relevant toll charges are calculated based on the distance traveled, type of route and vehicle category.

How to pay e-toll charges in Slovakia?

E-toll charges in Slovakia must be paid using an on-board unit.

Which roads in Slovakia are paid roads?

The sections where toll charges apply in Slovakia are indicated in the Regulation of the Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional Development of the Slovak Republic Decree no. 10/2013, Journal of Laws no. 228/2020. These are:

  • D1 Bratislava-East – Žilina (currently the longest paid section in Slovakia – 173 kilometers)
  • D1 Dubná Skala – Turany
  • D1 Ivachnová – Poprad-West
  • D1 Poprad-East – Prešov-West
  • D1 Prešov-South – Košice-North
  • D1 Rozhanovce – Bidovce
  • D2 Brodské – Stupava
  • D2 Bratislava-Jarovce – Čunovo
  • D3 Čadca, Bukov – Skalité
  • D4 Jarovce (SK/AT) – Bratislava-Jarovce
  • R1 Trnava – Sládkovičovo
  • R1 Dolná Streda – Nitra-West
  • R1 Nitra-East – Hronská Breznica
  • R1 Hronská Dúbrava – Banská Bystrica-Kremnička
  • R2 Lovčica, Trubín – Žiar nad Hronom
  • R2 Zvolen-Center – Zvolen-Pustý Hrad
  • R2 Zwolen-East – Kriváň
  • R2 Mýtna – Lovinobaňa, Tomášovce
  • R3 Martin – Martin-North
  • R6 Púchov – Beluša-Sever
  • R7 Bratislava, South – Holice

What are the vignette prices in Slovakia?

Listed below are the current vignette prices in Slovakia (VAT included):

  • 365 days – EUR 90
  • 30 days – EUR 17.10
  • 10 days – EUR 10.80
  • 1 day – EUR 8.10

What are the penalties for not having a valid vignette?

In Slovakia, driving on paid roads without a paid vignette is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of between EUR 100 and EUR 500, and between EUR 50 and EUR 200 in block proceedings, when actions are carried out by a competent police authority.

The vignette validity can be verified at distributors, as well as via the website – check.

Are there any discounts or concessions for transport companies?

Drivers can receive a toll charge discount in accordance with the applicable discount system. The detailed rules for calculating discounts and their amount are set forth in the Slovak Republic Government Decree no. 103/2013. The discount value depends on the number of kilometers driven on paid road sections over the established limits in a given calendar year.

Discounts on toll charge rates in Slovakia do not apply to vehicles subject to toll charges weighing more than 3.5 tons, allowing for the transportation of more than 9 persons including the driver, as toll charge rates for these vehicles have been reduced by 50% since the introduction of the electronic toll charge system.

Toll charge discounts in Slovakia:

After driving more than 5,000 km:

  • 3% (for vehicles up to 12,000 kg)
  • No discount for heavier vehicles

After driving more than 10,000 km:

  • 5% (for vehicles up to 12,000 kg)
  • 3% (for vehicles over 12,000 kg)

After driving more than 20,000 km:

  • 7% (for vehicles up to 12,000 kg)
  • 5% (for vehicles over 12,000 kg)

After driving more than 30,000 km:

  • 9% (for vehicles up to 12,000 kg)
  • 7% (for vehicles over 12,000 kg)

After driving more than 50,000 km:

  • 11% (for vehicles up to 12,000 kg)
  • 9% (for vehicles over 12,000 kg)

Toll charges in Slovakia | Who does not have to pay?

Vehicles belonging to the following entities are exempt from toll charges in Slovakia:

  • Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Slovak Republic and the Police,
  • Ministry of Defense of the Slovak Republic,
  • armed forces and mobilization reserve
  • rescue services
  • toll charge administrator
  • maintenance and repair works,
  • Slovak Information Service,
  • Prison and Court Guard Corps,
  • Slovak National Bank vehicles transporting money and other valuables.

These exemptions may be subject to additional terms and conditions and administrative requirements, such as the need to meet rules set forth in special regulations.

Are electric vehicles subject to toll charges?

The importance of green solutions in transportation is growing every year, led by low- or zero-emission cars. Individual European Union countries are trying to encourage carriers to invest in such solutions through concession and discount schemes. So far, electric vehicle concessions have not been introduced in Slovakia – the Ministry of Internal Affairs has analyzed the possibility of including preferential rates, but no decision has been made to implement them. Currently, only the basic toll charge rate is paid for zero-emission vehicles, with no additional CO₂ charge.