For years, Sweden has consistently ranked among the safest countries in the world for road traffic. This achievement stems from years of investment in infrastructure, coupled with effective preventive measures and steadfast law enforcement efforts.
In today’s article, we will look deeper into the topic of speeding fines and the penalties associated with traffic offenses in Sweden. Read on!
What are the penalties for speeding in built-up areas?
Under Sweden’s current traffic regulations, the maximum fine for speeding is set at SEK 4000. The fines are outlined in a tariff, and in certain instances where speeding significantly endangers traffic safety, the offense may be classified as a crime. In such circumstances, the offender not only incurs a fine but is also recorded in the system as a convicted individual. Sweden is actively deliberating on reforms that would tie speeding fines to the offender’s income.
Fines imposed in the built-up areas:
- 1–10 km – 2000 SEK
- 11–15 km – 2400 SEK
- 16–20 km – 2800 SEK
- 21–25 km – 3200 SEK
- 26–30 km – 3600 SEK
- 31–35 km – 4000 SEK
- When the speed limit is exceeded by 36 km/h or more: the case is referred to the prosecutor.
What are the penalties for speeding in non-built-up areas?
Fines for speeding violations outside built-up areas:
- 1–10 km – 1500 SEK
- 11–15 km – 2000 SEK
- 16–20 km – 2400 SEK
- 21–25 km – 2800 SEK
- 26–30 km – 3200 SEK
- 31–35 km – 3600 SEK
- 36–50 km – 4000 SEK
- When the speed limit is exceeded by 51 km/h or more, the matter is promptly escalated to the prosecutor.
What are the penalties for speeding on highways?
In Sweden, highways are governed by the tariff that applies to speeding violations outside of built-up areas. Notably, only vehicles, including trucks with trailers, engineered to maintain a minimum speed of 40 km/h are permitted on highways. However, the Swedish Transport Agency reserves the authority to grant exceptions, enabling other vehicle types to access highways, as long as they do not compromise traffic safety.
What equipment is mandatory and recommended in a car in Sweden?
In Sweden, the specifications for mandatory vehicle equipment are somewhat less detailed compared to many other European countries. Key equipment essentials include:
- warning triangle,
- winter tires – must bear the snowflake symbol or the POR (Professional Off Road) symbol, indicating their suitability for winter conditions,
- snow chains – are required on road sections designated by the appropriate road signs.
Swedish traffic regulations impose specific requirements for the use of winter tires from December 1 to March 31. These requirements are applicable to all vehicles, including those registered outside of Sweden.
In Sweden, road conditions are classified as winter when snow, ice, slush, or frost is present on the road. The official determination of these conditions is entrusted to the Swedish police.
For vehicles exceeding 3.5 tons, tires specifically designed for winter conditions—marked M+S, MS, M&S, Mud, or Snow – are deemed acceptable. The tires on the drive wheels, excluding the front axle, must be appropriately equipped for winter driving. Alternatively, snow chains or sand gritters can be used, both of which are regarded as equivalent to winter tires.
To enhance road safety during winter conditions, the regulations mandate that:
- the tire tread depth on trucks must be at least 5 mm,
- the tire tread depth on a trailer must be no less than 6 mm.
What are the driving regulations in Sweden?
The Swedish Transport Agency, in collaboration with local authorities, is tasked with establishing regulations that define various parameters, including the speed limits . In Sweden, traffic laws may include regulations that are developed by municipal and county councils.
Under Sweden’s existing traffic regulations, the speed limit in built-up areas is capped at 50 km/h. However, local authorities are empowered to reduce this limit to 40 km/h or even 30 km/h when justified by safety concerns, traffic density, or environmental considerations.
The default speed limit outside built-up areas is set at 70 km/h. However, the Swedish Transport Agency holds the authority to designate higher speed limits on specific roads, which may be increased to 80, 90, 100, or even 110 km/h, contingent upon the infrastructure and nature of the route. Certain vehicles have specific maximum speed limits determined by their design and intended use (check the details).
Are seat belts mandatory?
Absolutely – in Sweden, wearing a seat belt is a legal requirement. Neglecting this obligation incurs a minimum fine of SEK 1500.
Is it mandatory to drive with your lights on at all times?
While driving, ensure your vehicle is equipped with the necessary lights and reflectors. The use of dipped headlights is compulsory for all motor vehicles. When permissible, the use of high-beam headlights eliminates the need to activate low-beam headlights or front marker lights. Furthermore, when low-beam headlights are in use, the front marker lights are not required to be illuminated. Dipped headlights can be substituted with alternative lighting solutions that effectively indicate a vehicle’s presence on the road. However, this exception does not extend to driving during nighttime, at dawn, dusk, or under adverse weather conditions.
With fog or heavy rainfall, it is acceptable to switch to fog lights instead of dipped headlights. However, the concurrent use of daytime running lights and fog lights is prohibited. Ensure that all vehicle lights are utilized in a manner that prevents dazzling other road users. A minimum penalty of SEK 1000 applies for any violation of this rule.
What are the penalties for failure to present the driving license upon request?
The driver must carry their driver’s license at all times and present it upon request by authorized personnel. Failing to present this document may lead to a fine and necessitates that officers undertake extra measures to verify the driver’s identity, along with the scope of their license.
Operating a vehicle without the required license is a grave offense. In severe cases, such as those that create additional traffic hazards, it can even lead to imprisonment. In such circumstances, the fine can vary from several thousand up to SEK 50,000.
What are the consequences of exceeding the designated parking time limit?
Parking regulations vary by city or area and are outlined in local ordinances. Neglecting to settle the required penalties by the specified due date will incur an extra late fee of SEK 300 per vehicle. A driver who continues to neglect paying the fine will incur an additional charge of SEK 500.
The regulations extend to foreign vehicles as well, with the Swedish Transport Agency partnering with an external entity to identify vehicle owners, dispatch notifications, and collect the necessary fees via the EPASS24 system.
What are the penalties for using a mobile phone without hands-free set?
In Sweden, holding a phone while driving incurs a fine of SEK 1500.
What are the plans for running a red light?
In 2025, the fine for running a red light will be SEK 3000.
What are the consequences of committing serious traffic violations?
Drivers who reoffend within a two-year period face especially severe penalties. In such circumstances, the standard protocol is to seize the driver’s license, typically for a duration of two months. This encompasses scenarios like disregarding traffic signals, overtaking at pedestrian crossings, or neglecting to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front.
Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 31 to 40 km/h on Swedish roads will also face license seizure. The duration of this penalty is directly proportional to the degree of speeding and the specific circumstances of each case.
What are the most recent developments in Sweden’s traffic laws and fines?
The latest updates to Sweden’s traffic regulations encompass driving tests and licensing, vehicle registration, improper parking, and medical requirements for drivers.
Should I get acquainted with the local traffic regulations?
Understanding country-specific regulations is essential for both drivers and transport companies. As a result, we frequently explore topics such as truck bans, speed limits, and other traffic regulations on our blog.
A thorough understanding of the traffic regulations across European Union member states is crucial, particularly with the impending introduction of a digital European driver’s license. Ultimately, a new system will be established, enabling the imposition of an EU-wide driving ban if a member state chooses to suspend a driver’s license for an offense committed within its borders.
This significant transformation in international transportation is crucial for enhancing road safety. A comprehensive driving ban, enforceable across the entire European Union, will be imposed on individuals found guilty of serious offenses and crimes, including speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and causing death or serious injury.