
As of 24 January 2018, Luxembourg temporarily suspended the provisions on the minimum wage for employees posted in road transport of goods and passengers.

Due to discussions ongoing in the European Commission on the deployment of drivers in the road transport sector, as well as doubts about the scope of application of the rules in the context of international transport, Luxembourg temporarily suspended the requirements concerning minimum wage regulations for all cross-border transport and cabotage operations.

On 24 January 2018, the Luxembourg Labour and Mines Inspectorate, on its website at www.itm.lupublished a message on temporary exclusion from the scope of application of regulations the international transport operations with the loading and unloading in the territory of Luxembourg as well as cabotage operations:

The validity of these provisions has been temporarily suspended for the transport of goods and passengers by the time the talks on the European Commission’s proposal concerning a directive defining the detailed principles of posting of drivers in the road transport sector at European level are completed.

Luxembourg plans to exclude the validity of provisions on road transport posting until specific regulations in this respect are transposed into national law.

The information comes from a communication of the Luxembourg Labour and Mines Inspectorate published on the website: